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About Us

Who is The Central Jersey Tri Club

CJTC is a social multisport athletics club (swimming, biking and running) made up of members from a wide diversity of backgrounds, fitness abilities, experiences and personal athletics goals. The primary goal of the club is to bring together individuals who share a common interest in general fitness, health and well-being in a group setting to enjoy the benefits of multisport athletics in a fun, social and rewarding environment.

Why Should I Join

If you are interested in increasing your fitness level, participating in your very first triathlon, meeting new friends or enjoying the great outdoors with a group of fun people; CJTC is a great place to do just that and much more.

What Are the Benefits of Membership

Included with a club membership you will find a social, fun and energizing group of people with which to participate in multisport athletics and events.  Members are also entitled to special discounts at sponsor bike, running, fitness and wellness centers in the area.

How Often Does the Club Meet

The CJTC social / educational meeting usually occur once each month (except August) throughout the year; while in between many group activities such as bike rides, running and swimming sessions are scheduled.  In addition to club scheduled events, club members will join together and participate in events managed by other organizations at the local, regional and state level.

Is CJTC a Racing Club

CJTC is not at the core a racing club.  The club is made up of many members with a wide range of fitness levels, experiences and personal goals for what each wants to get out of the club and the sport.  When you join the club, you will quickly find other members who have similar interests and levels of experience with which to join for socials, training and race day events.

I’m New to Triathlons and Multi-Sports Events, Can I Still Join the Club

Absolutely! We are always looking for new members so we can share the rewards and benefits of the multisport experience.

I’m Still Not Sure if Multi-Sport is Right For Me, How Do I Find Out

We encourage perspective members to come to one of our monthly club meetings and speak with a few of our members about the sport and their personal experiences.  Our club members are very excited and enthusiastic about the sport and will be more than willing to answer any questions to help you decide if it is right for you.

I’m Not a Member, Can I Join Club Events to Try it Out

Except for special non-member activities, due to insurance liability reasons you must be a active club member for the current membership year to join in club scheduled events.